The Sony PlayStation 3 makes no excuses about what it wants: your entire living room. Sony wants you to watch Blu-ray movies in between playing your PS3 games and streaming content to your PSP. Another piece of the puzzle has been announced at Leipzig, as Sony has unveiled a combination TV tuner and DVR for the PlayStation 3.
The device is called PlayTV, and it features two high-definition tuners, the ability to record television shows, and you can move those shows onto your PSP for viewing on the go. It's an intriguing product with a strong set of features, but unfortunately it will be a while before we see it in the US. While European television uses the Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial (DVB-T) format, the US uses ATSC, which Sony is choosing not to support at the present time. Sony has not announced any official plans to bring PlayTV to this side of the Atlantic, but Sony's Phil Harrison confirmed told Kotaku that once terrestrial digital broadcasting comes to the US, Sony will be ready to take advantage of it. Sony is going to restrict itself to the European market while it waits for the US to adopt standards
The introduction of PlayTV really will extend the already broad entertainment credentials of PS3, and makes it an exceptionally attractive proposition for the whole family," "PS3 already provides High Definition gaming, Blu-ray Disc movies, music, video, photo album, web browsing and PLAYSTATION Network support. With the introduction of PlayTV's state of the art TV tuner and PVR functionality, PS3 is now the best choice of home entertainment hub for the whole family."